you guys, you are SO in for an amazing treat right now. I'm not sure if any of you guys miss me yet since I've been having a bunch of guest posts lately (and I know you all are totally crushin' on them hard core) but I know for a fact you will not be disappointed with what you are about to witness below.
I big fluffy heart Ilene from Much Love, Illy. She is a wicked awesome fashion blogger who also has a love for Jim Halpert (swoon) and a soft spot in her heart for Back Street Boys circa 1995 (ya know, before Brian had kids, Nick dated Paris (ok, really, what WAS that?!) and Kevin decided it would be cool to wear long skirts with combat boots)
I can honestly say that she is one of my bloggie BFFs and I know for a fact that one day we will be blessed by each others way awesome presences (by the way, doesnt that word look totally weird pluralized?)
Enjoy Ilene's fashion post! and check out her mad dance skillz guys--its an official movie premier of Ilene shakin' what her mama gave her! (or, how I like to endearingly call it "how Ilene got her groove back") (not that she lost it or anything) (still never understood how Stella lost her groove) (she should've checked in between the couch cushions, thats where my groove always ends up)
and if you are wondering what her inspiration was you can find that here.
Also? She makes pretty swag all.day.long. and lucky for you she has a coupon code for Yellow Heart Art Readers! (wha the whaaa??)
Also? Side note. Not only do our couches not fit into the new apartment--but neither does our queen size box spring. I currently hear the sounds of Bub's chain saw hacking away our brand spankin' new box spring so it can fit upstairs. Vodka Valium cocktail to go please?
Take it away Ilene! <3

autumn greetings to the Leonora's incredible readers!
my name is Ilene and i hail from the blog Much Love, illy. when i'm not there, you'll find me busy over at my handmade shop, creating accessories such as poppy garland headbands, jewelry, hair charms, etc. soooo...be sure to stop by and visit me! i love visitors and making new friends.
and so today, i have the pleasure and honor to guest post while Leonora wraps up on her big move and gets ready to party in Disney (totally jelly over this! um, the Disney part, not the move). today, i am revealing to you something that has not been revealed before (unless you stalk youtube 'cause it is a public link - yikes!).
some of you might recall Leonora had a dance party i had RSVPed to a little while ago, but i ended up having some technical difficulties. but hey, better late than never, right?! so here goes nothing (except for my dignity and pride) but hey, it's party, right? you gotta let loose! and we do just that...
*i'm totally holding my breath.*
i know, i know. now you won't wanna be my friend 'cause you are thinking this woman is psycho! but hey, i figured if you are a reader of Leonora's blog and you enjoy her mini dance parties, i'm sure you can handle mine (and my little sister that you saw jamming it up in the background - she rocks!). i am not a pro like Leonora (as you can tell my voice was waaay off - like i said, technical difficulties), but maybe this brought you a laugh or two.
and that's a wrap!
thanks for having me, Leonora. you know this already, but you are da bomb diggity!
much love.
ilene (aka illy)
p.s. use coupon code LEONORAROCKS for 15% off of your entire order over at my shop!
ReplyDeletethis literally had me LOL'ing...Ilene's hat and Ash's background dancing?! it's just too much.
hahahhahah OMG!!! this video made me LOL like crazy~! LOVE both of you!!!