• Make Yellow Heart Art even bigger and better! When I started as just a print shop back in 2011 I really thought that that would be my only avenue. Since then I have also made graphic art necklaces, plushes/pillows for your home, scarves, stamps, coasters and wooden necklaces. I always think I can't think of any more products but turns out I still can (I blame Yellow Heart Art for why I can't sleep at night, ever)
• Style my hair more. I have ALL this hair and all I ever do with it is part it on the side, barbecue it with my flat iron, and call it a day. It's time for my 'do to be more creative.
• Do more projects for "me". True Story: I'm a graphic designer and sell my artwork for a living yet there is not a stitch of my artwork ANYWHERE in my apartment.
• Learn to crochet. This has been on my list for a while. My grandma taught me how to crochet back when I was like 11. I kind of remember it and think I can pick it up again. I'm lucky to be 28 and still have my grandmother in my life, my goal is to make her something using crochet really soon. I know she would be so stoked that I actually made her something with a skill that she has been trying to teach me for years.
• Use more coupons. It's like they're giving you free money, I would be stupid to not look for more of them.
• Actually use my vinyl cutting machine. I have had it for a while and have not cut any vinyl using it yet because, well, to be honest I have zero time.
• Take more photos. I used to be a picture taking foo' (thats "fool" for those of you that don't speak gangsta) but I can't remember the last time I took artistic photos with my camera. Bub, do you hear me? We're going on a photo adventure soon. Get ready.
• Lose weight. Yes yes I know I know its one of those things everyone always says their going to do. This was actually my resolution last year, and I did everything in my power to try to shed the pounds. I did weight watchers, a high fiber diet so I would stay full longer and eat less, a low carb diet and cardio. If anything I kept gaining weight, it wasn't making any sense so I went to the doctor and he believes he knows why I wasn't able to lose the pounds last year, so we are going into 2013 with a new plan and per my doctor's instructions trying a FINAL new method! I hope this frekkin works, homegirl is sick of tugging at her clothes every time she sits down or gets up. Honestly, I don't need to be stick thin, I just want to be comfortable in my body regardless of what the number on the scale is. I'm more about "feeling ok in my clothes" rather than reaching a certain number.
What does 2013 look like for you? :)