Heat & humidity is not a cute look for me. A bird almost sought shelter in my hair the other day (thats how you know its bad)
In honor of this wicked awesome heat wave I present to you a list of red hawt friday faves <3
3. Camera Case by ModCloth
Also, have you met Jaclyn?
Her and I just kinda clicked. I mean for her to accept the fact that I make outrageous & embarrassing vlogs showed me that she was awright in my book.
Her shop is full of all things pretty. Seriously, go look, I give you permission to do so. (I hear ya OOOOing and AHHHHing over there--its ok you can continue, in fact its highly encouraged) Check out my interview with Jaclyn, you will find yourself melting over her. And just in case you didn't think she could get any more radder take a peek at the end of this interview for a lil giveaway for you lovelies.
1. what made you want to open an etsy shop? And do you remember your first sale? -- A friend got me into making the pretties by showing off her rad collection of beads. I was jealous and started to play. Then I found myself with a one-bedroom apartment and a butt-ton of jewelry. So I figured, well, I should try to get other people to take these pieces off my hands because I'm running out of storage space. So, naturally, I have more than 200 pieces in my shop. ((facepalm)) And I do remember my first sale! It was a custom order to a coworker. She told me, "I like red and turquoise and long and necklaces." I put it together and she got all, "Wow, this is better than the one I saw at Ann Taylor," and I got all, "YAYYYYYYY!"

2. Which would you rather have: A hover craft or the ability to fly on command? Oh man, fly on command, hands down. Though if you had a hover craft, you could fly nekkid, which would just be fun, like "Hey there, San Diego! I'm above you! Waving! Not wearing any pants!"
3. I mean really, did you think robin was beneficial to batman at all? -- Knowing next to nothing about Batman, I'm going to have to go with ... Yes he was beneficial because everyone needs a friend?
Vintage Cuff Bracelet
4. What flavor of ice cream could you eat fah-evah? -- Something with chocolate and marshmallows. I think rocky road has both of those? So long as it's REAL ice cream and non of that soft serve crap.
5. where do you get inspiration for your shop from? -- Everywhere! Magazines, friends of mine, stores, paintings. Anytime I see something -- jewelry or not -- that pleases me, I make a little mental note and try to recreate it my own way.
6. If tomorrow was your birthday what kinda swag would be on your birthday list? -- This. And this. And some of this. And totally this. But mainly this.
7. What is your go-to word when describing something fab-o-licious? -- Heh, actually, it's "fab." I also like "outstanding."
8. any secret talents? -- I can quack, similar to Donald, but not quite. That genius makes his quaky noise in his throat, so you can actually sort of understand him. My quacking is cheek-based. I can also raise each eyebrow independent of one another.

Vintage Glass Pearls Gold Chain Necklace
9. QUICK! You have to change your etsy shop, what is your new inventory? -- Oooh, fun!! Um ... Lord, I'm not good at anything else ... Um ... I think it'd be really fun to learn bookbinding, so maybe hand-bound journals.
10. Something new you want to try out in the next few months? (Me, i wanna try skydiving, but the whole "hey you might die" part kinda holds me back) -- Skydiving is totally my No. 1 never ever ever ever nono can't make me. So not that!! I'd kind of like to try and make myself a skirt. I have a sewing machine, and I can rock a fab straight stitch. I've made a few quilts, but nothing else. NOW ONTO THE GOODIES!
Jaclyn is giving away $10 store credit to her shop!
(awww yeeeeah)
(want more ways to win? Ok, you pulled my arm)
Leave a SEPARATE comment for each additional entry!
3. Tweet about this giveaway! Please include "@Jaclyn1423" and "@YellowHeartArt" so we can track your tweet! Please also link back to this post. Feel free to use the following tweet:
"Pretty Things up for grabs @YellowHearArt 's Blog! Enter to win store credit to @Jaclyn1423 shop! http://bit.ly/mQNH0Y"
GOOD LUCK! Giveaway ends Next Thursday, July 28th. Winner Announced Friday July 29th!
psssttt...She is also giving away store credit to MY SHOP! (how fun!) I am doing very limited giveaways so nab some shop credit here!