
Thursday, December 19, 2013

My best friend in my head is...

So I am unsure how many of you guys watch Girl Code on MTV. Let me tell you, I am in love. Basically its a bunch of chicks that are comedians who talk about topics that other chicks can relate to (ya know...pimples, shopping, living with a boy etc) I pretty much need to be besties with the entire cast.

There is this one segment called "best friend in my head". Pretty much you pick a celebrity who you kinda sorta have a girl crush on and then list your perfect day together. (you can watch Girl Code's clip here)

My best friend in my head is Emma Stone. We would go to all the pet shelters in the world and save all the puppies. We would open a puppy farm and have a giant puppy party with all our friends. There would be this awesome photobooth that also doubled as a karaoke machine. Emma and I would rock out to backstreet boy's Larger Than Life and choreograph our own amazing dance moves. Someone would videotape this routine, upload it to youtube where we would go viral and perform live on the Ellen show.

...and thats why I think Emma Stone is my best friend in my head.


  1. oh my goodness - if i could be set up with my bff in my head, i would want them to set me up with jennifer lawrence! love this.

    so glad that you and i are bffs in real life. and not only that BBs. ;)

  2. Kelly Clarkson. I read an interview with her years ago, and she seemed so super down to earth that I wanted to have a slumber party with her.

  3. Can I just say I'm always doing this? I choose people to follow on pintrest based on the premise that their boards indicate that we could totally be best friends. Right now I'd have to say Lana Del Ray though. I'm a a wife and mom, so I imagine us getting into all kinds of trouble I'm not allowed to get into anymore. Unless I want my husband bailing me out. Which wouldn't be so cool. Some things are best left to the imagination I suppose. xxxx


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