Welcome to our link up party! I can't wait to hear what you all are thankful for this year :) hope over to
Julie and
Erika's pages to see what they are thankful for, and don't forget to link up below!
• Modern Dentistry. With out it I would currently have 3 missing front teeth. Ain't nobody got time for dat.
• The birdie vet. Sherbert (our cockatiel) got super sick a few weeks ago. He wasn't eating or drinking and was sleeping all day. Without our vet I know Sherbert would not have made it. Also his 2 night stay at the vet cost more than staying a week at the Mariot. It's a good thing we like him.
• My Bub. He is my biggest supporter, fan, friend and bed hog. He is constantly poking my nose with his finger as his way of saying "hi babe, I love you" and he is so willing to help me make any display items for
Yellow Heart Art. We still hold hands, hug, cuddle and do all the cutesy crap that people do when they first start dating. I am so happy to be marrying him, I am so stoked to be doing life with him.
• Curse words. Sometimes you just need to yell one out to feel better. It's cheaper than therapy.
• My 9 person bridal party. Some people are shocked when I tell them I have 9 girls in my party. It's usually followed by a "whoa girl you crazy!" but ya know what? I'm lucky to have 9 close girls in my life who I love and care about so much to share in my special day with. Each one of them mean the world to me, and I am happy to call them more than friends or cousins or sister-in-laws, but actual sisters. (Pic from my bestie's Courtney's wedding)
• My flat iron. I always told Bub that if we ever have a kid the poor thing would have thee worse hair ever. We both have Italian wavy hair, and if it wasn't for my flat iron my hair would go in every direction but down.
• My customers. I have a special place in my heart for those of you who have ever
supported me by purchasing art for your walls, plushes for your couch or stamps for your journals. It means so much to me that you want to spend your hard earned money on something that I created and made with my 2 hands. Its an amazing feeling and I don't think you understand how much it truly makes me feel awesome, loved and hopeful. If I could commence a giant group hug I would.
• Free Shipping. When it comes to buying holiday presents for out of state family members (which is pretty much all of Bub's family) getting free shipping helps tremendously with the added costs. Just let me have this one guys…I know, it's weird.
• Video chat dates with
Erika and
Julie. They help me refresh, refocus and get motivated to make
Yellow Heart Art better than before. I love them and I love the friendship we share with each other. It's also nice hearing their successes and seeing how happy they are about their accomplishments.
• My camera. It allows me to capture a moment on film and remember it forever.
• The ".com" button on my iPhone/iPad keypad. Ok COME ON tell me that is not GENIUS?
• Dancing with Bub's grandfather at his cousin's wedding. I was looking forward to dancing with him at mine and Bub's wedding since I no longer have any grandfathers here with me. He passed away in October but I am grateful I got one dance in with him before it was too late.
• Hugs. They do the body good.
Wanna join in on the thankfulness? Grab a button below to link back to our blogs. Link your blog post below and see what everyone has to be thankful for! Make sure you link to your blog post and not your entire blog. Also, let's play nice in the sand box and link to a post that talks about you being thankful.